Want to be featured on h.a.v.e.?

Thank you for your interest in being featured on h.a.v.e. Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about being featured on h.a.v.e.

What are the benefits to being featured on h.a.v.e.?
The biggest benefit to being featured on h.a.v.e. is the free advertising. There is no cost to the seller to be featured as the must h.a.v.e. item of the day. In addition to advertising your product to a large audience you have the opportunity to increase your sales and clearing out extra inventory by offering a discount to h.a.v.e. readers.

What happens if my product is selected to be featured?
If your product is selected to be featured we will notify you of the date your product is scheduled to go live. We will prepare the post using the information you provide in the submission form however, we reserve the right to edit the content as we feel necessary (eg. corrections to grammar and spelling, adding additional commentary, editing content for length, etc.)

How does the buyer make the purchase?
All purchases will happen through the h.a.v.e. website and completed through PayPal. h.a.v.e. will forward the payment and shipping information to the seller.

Does the seller have to pay a listing fee or commission for products sold?
No, h.a.v.e. does not collect commission and there is no listing fee to have your product featured as the must h.a.v.e. item. The full amount of the sale will be forwarded to the seller. Consider it free advertising!

Who ships the item to the buyer?
The seller is responsible for shipping all products to the buyer and processing any returns if applicable. The buyer's shipping address will be forwarded to the seller along with the payment.

What will the feature look like?
Below is an example of what the 'must have' feature of the day will look like. Click here to see an actual must h.a.v.e. post.

If you would like to have your product featured please complete this submission form. If you have any additional questions please contact us.